Download your Passport

Get your passport stamped at each yarn shop to enter that shop's free prize draw. Collect all 8 stamps and you will qualify for the Grand Prize Draw!

Click here to download and print your passport.

How does it work?

The East Anglian Yarn Crawl runs during all of July and August 2023 and takes you around Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex, providing an entertaining experience and introducing you to some of the best yarn shops in the region. 

Yarn Crawlers must download and print a free passport in order to participate. Simply take your passport with you when you visit each yarn shop and get it stamped. You will automatically be entered into the free pri...

Each participating yarn shop that you visit will stamp your passport and take your details in order to enter you into their own shop prize draw.

If you visit all 8 shops and collect all 8 stamps, you will be entered into the Grand Prize Draw. Don't forget to leave your completed passport at the last shop you visit.

The Grand Prize is made up of items that each yarn shop has contributed and is subject to change as more items are added.


How Can We Help?

If you have any questions, fill in the form below: